Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 17 years!



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VIP Limited-Access Pass

$4.99 or more per month β€’ 0 patrons

VIP Limited-Access Pass:

Go to the head of the line and experience dance music like never before with the VIP Limited Access Pass. For just $4.99 a month, you'll enjoy:

πŸ•’ Early Access: Secure your spot at the forefront of the dance music scene. Be the first to access our top categories – Club Fusion, Circuit & Anthems, Peak Hour, and Funky House sets – a full 60 days ahead of the crowd! ^

^ Excludes the Gay Anthems series.
VIP All-Access Pass

$5.99 or more per month β€’ 0 patrons

VIP All-Access Pass:

Unlock the ultimate dance music experience with the VIP All-Access Pass. For just $5.99 a month, you'll receive:

πŸ”“ Full Access: Unlock a treasure trove of exclusive content with unrestricted access to all episodes marked as Patron.

πŸ•’ Early Access: Stay 10 beats ahead of your friends and be the first to enjoy our latest sets in Club Fusion, Circuit & Anthems, Peak Hour, and Funky House, a full 60 days before the everybody else!

🌟 Exclusive Access: Gain entry to a world of members-only exclusive mixes, including Diva Hall of Fame, Legacy Artist/DJ Tribute Dance Mixes, Top Dance Songs of the Year, Dance Classics from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s, Gay Anthems, and much more. It's a musical journey like no other!


Get the party started with the best dance music podcast for 17 years!

For the past 17 years, Party Favorz has been the ultimate destination for House Music enthusiasts. With a diverse range of music genres, we cater to all your dance music needs. Whether you want to shake your booty, work out, lounge by the pool, commute, or celebrate with friends, Party Favorz is your go-to destination to satisfy all your dance music cravings.

Become a Patron and enjoy these benefits:

Early Access:Β Be the first to groove to our latest Club Fusion, Circuit & Anthems, Peak Hour, and Funky House sets 60 days before everyone else!

Exclusive Access:Β Get your hands on members-only exclusive mixes like our Diva Hall of Fame, Legacy, Top Dance Songs of the Year, Dance Classics from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s, Gay Anthems, and much more!

Open Access: Enjoy our free episodes across Club Fusion, Circuit & Anthems, Funky House, and Peak Hour categories. These are available 60 days post-release, spanning the past year’s most popular releases and are available at Free Access Pass ^

If you become a patron to Party Favorz, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Monthly Goal

$300 per month
If you're reading this, you're already a part of our vibrant music community, and we couldn't be happier to have you on board. We're excited that more and more listeners are joining us every day.

However, we want to be upfront with you – creating and delivering the music you love takes a significant amount of time, resources, and dedication. From curating the perfect tracks to mixing them seamlessly, it's a labor of love that we wouldn't trade for anything.

But, like any passion project, there are costs involved. Hosting, essential plugins, DJ music service, and annual expenses all add up. And of course, it would be nice to have some pocket change for our time and effort.

By becoming a patron, you're not just supporting Party Favorz; you're investing in the music that adds meaning to your life. Your support helps us cover these necessary expenses, ensuring that we can keep the party going.

We want to express our gratitude for your continued support. Whether you decide to become a patron or not, we're thankful for your presence in our community.

Let's help keep our movement alive!


VIP Limited-Access Pass

$4.99 or more per month β€’ 0 patrons

VIP Limited-Access Pass:

Go to the head of the line and experience dance music like never before with the VIP Limited Access Pass. For just $4.99 a month, you'll enjoy:

πŸ•’ Early Access: Secure your spot at the forefront of the dance music scene. Be the first to access our top categories – Club Fusion, Circuit & Anthems, Peak Hour, and Funky House sets – a full 60 days ahead of the crowd! ^

^ Excludes the Gay Anthems series.
VIP All-Access Pass

$5.99 or more per month β€’ 0 patrons

VIP All-Access Pass:

Unlock the ultimate dance music experience with the VIP All-Access Pass. For just $5.99 a month, you'll receive:

πŸ”“ Full Access: Unlock a treasure trove of exclusive content with unrestricted access to all episodes marked as Patron.

πŸ•’ Early Access: Stay 10 beats ahead of your friends and be the first to enjoy our latest sets in Club Fusion, Circuit & Anthems, Peak Hour, and Funky House, a full 60 days before the everybody else!

🌟 Exclusive Access: Gain entry to a world of members-only exclusive mixes, including Diva Hall of Fame, Legacy Artist/DJ Tribute Dance Mixes, Top Dance Songs of the Year, Dance Classics from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s, Gay Anthems, and much more. It's a musical journey like no other!