Help us give couples an advantage in their relationship!



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$1 or more per month • 0 of 100 patrons

  1. A personalized "thank you" on the show and site highlighting you and or your business!
  2. A special "Thank you" message
  3. Access to Pingfling patrons-only comments


High Five!

$5 or more per month • 0 of 50 patrons

  • Name and or business name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show
  • A special "thank you" message
  • Access to Pingfling patrons-only comments 
  • A monthly post highlighting you and or your business on our facebook page and our Instagram page! 
  • Sneak peaks to new upcoming episodes!

Help us give couples an advantage in their relationship!

FORMAL EDUCATION WON’T TEACH YOU THIS! Wouldn’t it have been nice if we learned how to better manage romantic relationships before graduating high school, to give us an advantage in life?  The goal of our podcast is precisely this, to better prepare the youth of our nation to successfully navigate their relationships when disagreements and disharmony arise.  To better equip our youth with the necessary communication skills, wisdom and understanding required for smoother, happier, longer lasting and more fulfilling relationships.  No one should ever become a prisoner of romance and or deprived from true happiness and it's this firm belief that ignites our desire to reach those that are in greatest need of our real world tried and tested relationship advice.  

If you become a patron to , you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

ongoing production costs/hosting fees

$300 per month

Like with any contribution of value to society there comes with it the required and necessary monetary expense(s) to help best deliver that value to those that will benefit from it most.  Realizing and coming to understand this we then find our operating costs increase in direct proportion to the number of listeners we benefit. Therefore our best chances of successfully completing our mission that being to provide them with real world incite and wisdom to overcome the adversities in their relationship(s) is by meeting or exceeding our current and foreseeable operating expenses.  


You're number 1!

$1 or more per month • 0 of 100 patrons

  1. A personalized "thank you" on the show and site highlighting you and or your business!
  2. A special "Thank you" message
  3. Access to Pingfling patrons-only comments


High Five!

$5 or more per month • 0 of 50 patrons

  • Name and or business name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show
  • A special "thank you" message
  • Access to Pingfling patrons-only comments 
  • A monthly post highlighting you and or your business on our facebook page and our Instagram page! 
  • Sneak peaks to new upcoming episodes!