Poisoned Pen Podcast

Support authors through a deductible donation to PoisonedPenFoundation.org



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Support authors through a deductible donation to PoisonedPenFoundation.org

For thirty-one years The Poisoned Pen has spotted, developed, and supported writers of all stripes out of its own pocket. We have now created a charitable foundation where donations will be used in a variety of ways to continue and expand upon those activities outside the bookstore's revenue stream. With all the obstacles authors face today presenting their work and connecting with fans your support is invaluable. 100% of all donations to the foundation will go to supporting programs such as writers-in-residence, workshops, virtual and in-person author programs, and, where feasible, travel to conferences and other venues including a variety of bookstores.

If you become a patron to Poisoned Pen Podcast, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

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$100 per month

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$500 per month

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Fund a yearly writer-in-residence program at The Poisoned Pen Bookstore

$1,000 per month

To pay for travel, lodging, and meals. The writer, in-turn, will offer at least one workshop and host other authors at an in-store event

Send an author to a conference or writers retreat

$2,000 per month

Registration, transportation, etc.


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 2 patrons

A thank you on the show or site
Thank you email
Access to patrons-only comments


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