Exclusive Patrons-Only Section
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Thanks for helping out! You can leave me a comment in the Patrons-Only section about topics you'd like to hear about next.
GET $1 REWARDPrivate Practice Resource
$2 or more per month • 0 patrons
I really appreciate your support! You'll receive a private practice resource. Thank you.
GET $2 REWARDPrivate Practice Success Meditation
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Thank you so much for supporting the podcast! You'll receive a private practice meditation to help you create success in your practice.
GET $5 REWARDBe Listed on the Website as a Patron
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
Thank you for helping out! In recognition, you'll be listed on the website as a Patron of the podcast <3
GET $10 REWARDPatron Can Determine a Show Topic
$27 or more per month • 0 patrons
I appreciate your support and to show you just how much, you will have the opportunity to choose a topic for a show! How much fun is this?! Do you love it?!
GET $27 REWARDPut it in the karma bank <3
It's my highest joy to be able to support you in creating a successful private practice. I love it SO much that in fact, each week, I publish not one, but two episodes so that you can experience results even more quickly.
You see, when I was starting a private practice (25yrs ago!), podcasts didn't exist. In fact, the places you get free guidance were really limited. So I vowed that when a way became available for me to give back to my community, I'd find it and follow it. And along came the Private Practice With Soul™ podcast.
Receiving your emails, messages, engagements and news of your milestones makes my soul happy. So thank you so much for sharing your wins.
If you'd like to support my private practice too, this is one of the ways you can do that. I'm such a big believer of paying it forward (as you know!). And if you don't feel called to contribute, that's fine too. Listen to your heart and be guided by that.
Thank you again so much for tuning in to the show.
I appreciate you!
Brooklyn x
Upgrade the Podcasting Equipment
A new microphone and headphones will improve the overall listening experience and sound quality of the podcast. Who doesn't want that!
Share the Love!
You know what we were talking about before, in terms of paying things forward? Help me share the podcast to listeners who don't yet know it even exists, so that they too can start creating their own successful private practices regardless of where they are in the world. We are a growing community and supporting each other starts with each of us taking one supportive action, right? :-)
Golden Nuggets
Let me go and do the course or PD for you. Let me go and sit through the lectures, the online classes, do the assignments, go to the breakout rooms, do the pracs and then come back here, to our podcast and share all the golden nuggets with you - minus the fluff. Sound good?!
Exclusive Patrons-Only Section
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
Thanks for helping out! You can leave me a comment in the Patrons-Only section about topics you'd like to hear about next.
GET $1 REWARDPrivate Practice Resource
$2 or more per month • 0 patrons
I really appreciate your support! You'll receive a private practice resource. Thank you.
GET $2 REWARDPrivate Practice Success Meditation
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Thank you so much for supporting the podcast! You'll receive a private practice meditation to help you create success in your practice.
GET $5 REWARDBe Listed on the Website as a Patron
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
Thank you for helping out! In recognition, you'll be listed on the website as a Patron of the podcast <3
GET $10 REWARDPatron Can Determine a Show Topic
$27 or more per month • 0 patrons
I appreciate your support and to show you just how much, you will have the opportunity to choose a topic for a show! How much fun is this?! Do you love it?!
Private Practice Podcast 2022-02-11
Thank you SOOOOOO much The mattyud's Podcast! I appreciate you more than you know. Please email me hello@brooklynstorme.com anytime with a request for a podcast topic and I'll create it! Thank you, thank you, thank you :-)The mattyud's Podcast 2022-02-11
You are more than worth it! I am so grateful for your podcast which has helped me tremendously while starting my own private practice. Please keep up the great work!