The Purple Mystic: A Podcast for the Modern Practitioner

Hello Magickal Creatures!! Tune in here for stimulating conversations about all topics magickal.



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Full Moon

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Hello Magickal Creatures!! Tune in here for stimulating conversations about all topics magickal.

The Purple Mystic explores all facets of modern magickal practice. Subscribe to hear stimulation conversations with today's most popular practitioners, teachers and less known beautiful creatures.
If you become a patron to The Purple Mystic: A Podcast for the Modern Practitioner, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Better quality podcasts

$300 per month
All funds received go back to the podcast to improve the quality of our audio, the addition of video interviews and to keep those high quality interviews coming. Also hope to add a monthly give away to supporters.


New Moon

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on the show or site
Thank you email
Access to patrons-only comments GET $5 REWARD
Half Moon

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

Monthly, handwritten note or special show postcard
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Access to patron-only bonus content
Participate in a closed fan Facebook group or monthly google hangout with host


Full Moon

$20 or more per month • 0 of 10 patrons

Entry into monthly give away

Special show products or access to exclusive events
Free 30-minute consulting session or coffee with the host
Patron can help determine a show topic/guests
Specially-selected gift delivered each month


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