Queer Sex Ed Podcast

Real, honest, accurate communication about sex and relationships.



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My undying gratitude <3


Real, honest, accurate communication about sex and relationships.

Queer Sex Ed is an educational tool that I want to provide for the widest audience possible. I want to create a platform where we can have the intersectional discussions about sexuality, pleasure, and intimacy in the context of our marginalized identities. Please help support my work to bring these conversations to you. Your financial support helps cover my hosting fees, my time editing the show, my emotional labor in setting up and conducting interviews, my travel to conferences, and my work in the world as a visible trans and queer slut. Plese help me keep doing the sex education work I love with your generous support <3

If you become a patron to Queer Sex Ed Podcast, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Cover Web Fees for QSE

$100 per month

If you help me get to this level, it will support my main website, my Libsyn feed, and Podbean. Thank you for making my life so much easier with your support!


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

My undying gratitude <3