Weekly Newsletter
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
Get access to our weekly newsletter of the upcoming shows in our podcast network.
We currently have 24 shows from coaches, consultants, therapists and healers who are serving their communities to inspire, motivate and improve mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
GET $1 REWARDRaising Vibrations
Welcome to our crowdfunding page for the Raising Vibrations podcast network on Podbean and radio show, brought to you by Karen and her team of amazing coaches, consultants, therapists, and healers.
During the lockdown, Karen organized an online summit with 20 speakers who all had a unique perspective on mental, physical, and spiritual health. From there, the radio show 'A coffee with Karen - a cup of positivity with just a sprinkling of wu wu' was born. Over the past 2.5 years, Karen has interviewed hundreds of guests, providing them with a platform to share their stories, what they do, and who they help.
Karen realized that all these coaches and healers were serving different segments of society, with different tools in their toolbox. She wanted to create a directory for the public to come and find the right fit for them, wherever they were on their journey. When the radio station's owner announced he was stopping, Karen took the opportunity to keep the show going.
The 'Raising Vibrations' podcast network on Podbean is now the home for anybody who missed the radio shows. Karen's aim is to raise funds to increase listenership for the network as a whole.
By supporting our Patreon program, you'll help us achieve our goals and continue to bring uplifting content to our listeners. With your support, we can continue to provide a platform for coaches, consultants, therapists, and healers to share their message with those who need to hear it. Together, we can raise vibrations and make the world a better place.
We are supporting non-profits, as well as coaches. Things are tough for everyone right now and we wanted to support the people out there who are helping their communities.
We are committed to helping them grow their audience and reach more people who are in need of their services.
Promotion Costs
We are looking to promote our whole network to increase listeners for all our hosts in our podcast network.
Weekly Newsletter
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
Get access to our weekly newsletter of the upcoming shows in our podcast network.
We currently have 24 shows from coaches, consultants, therapists and healers who are serving their communities to inspire, motivate and improve mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.