Out d’Coup Podcast

Help keep progressive, activist media going strong!



$45of $350

per month

12.86% funded

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Become a Patron
Pledge $2 per month

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

Loose Change: You'll get an email thank you and a mention on the podcast.

Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 5 patrons

On Board: Yup, you are into helping build a progressive, activist media network in PA and beyond! It's our most popular membership level.

You'll get an official Raging Chicken thank you card with personal thank you from our editor. 



Pledge $8 per month

$8 or more per month • 0 patrons

Rabble-Rouser: Yeah, you'll join up, but you're going to get out there and agitate and let your voice be heard!

You'll get an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a small sticker and a mention on the podcast.

PLUS: an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!





Pledge $10 per month

$10 or more per month • 2 patrons

Street fighter: You're the kind of person who will always have your friends' back. All for one...

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • PLUS: A Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • PLUS: Access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.


Pledge $15 per month

$15 or more per month • 0 patrons

Organizer: It's not just about today. It's about the long haul. You know that making change is not about instant gratification. It's about an investment in the future.

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • Access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • PLUS: a choice of one of Raging Chicken's featured reads. Past books have included, This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein; The Machine, by Lee Fang; HomeSweet, HomeGrown, by Robyn Jasko; and, The Democracy Project, by David Graeber.


Pledge $25 per month

$25 or more per month • 0 patrons

Class Warrior: Not afraid to wear the colors and answer the question, "which side are you on?"

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • PLUS: An official Raging Chicken T-shirt in all of its red and black glory.
Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Hero/Heroine for the Cause: You lead by example and are always there to help support the work that sustains us all.

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • an official Raging Chicken T-shirt in all of its red and black glory.

  • PLUS: we will welcome you as a guest on Raging Chicken Radio to talk about an issue of action of your choice! Don't like being on the radio? No problem, you choose who comes on in your place


Pledge $100 per month

$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

Patron of the Arts of Resistance: You've paid your dues, you've worked hard, and you've made a decent living for yourself. But, you are not about pulling up the ladder after yourself. You haven't forgotten where you come from. You pay it forward.

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • an official Raging Chicken T-shirt in all of its red and black glory.

  • we will welcome you as a guest on Raging Chicken Radio to talk about an issue of action of your choice! Don't like being on the radio? No problem, you choose who comes on in your place.

  • PLUS: You will be invited to and honored at our annual Raging Chicken Press bash! Now THIS is the kind of Hall of Fame that's worth getting into!


Pledge $250 per month

$250 or more per month • 0 patrons

Guardian Angel: We have no idea where you came from. All we know is that we're crying tears of joy.

You'll get everything above. And...we'll just have to figure out something absolutely amazing because we are in awe of you.




Help keep progressive, activist media going strong!

Raging Chicken Press , is a Pennsylvania-based left/progressive media site devoted to covering and helping build on-the-ground activism and communities of resistance. Our media work includes our main website, RagingChickenPress.org; our social media pages; and Raging Chicken Radio - our series of podcasts launched in 2016

Our Background

Raging Chicken Press was founded in April 2011 by Kevin Mahoney on the heels of nation-wide attacks on working people, public education, women, and organized labor.  After being swept into office with the Tea Party in 2010, the right-wing, Koch brothers-backed Governor of Wisconsin began an attack on workers’ right to collectively bargain. That attack quickly spread to Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Idaho, Florida, New Jersey, New York, and in our home state of Pennsylvania.  What initially appeared to be the work of a “rogue” governor in Wisconsin, showed itself to be a coordinated, and well-funded effort by a new breed of Republicans and their corporate backers.  

The right-wing in this country has been extremely successful at building an entire intellectual and political base over the past 40 years. They have invested in journalists, academic departments, think tanks, media networks, and grass roots institutions. From the beginning they knew that in order to win, they needed to invest for the long-haul. And they did. And now they are winning. 

Progressives, liberals, and the Left more broadly has not invested in our own intellectual and political infrastructure. We are out spent, out organized, and our voices are often drowned out by the wall-to-wall media dominance by the right-wing and corporate media. At Raging Chicken Press, we decided to take up the call from Independent Media activists at the dawn of the 21st century who urged: "Don't Hate the Media, Become the Media." So, we are in this for the long haul. We actively pursue connections with other progessive media sites and journalists in the state to help build that progressive media network that we so badly need. 

We Are Building a Sustainable, Progressive Media Network

Raging Chicken Press publishes articles, analyses, reports, photos, videos, comics, reviews, and calls-to-action that engage, support, and help build progressive, activist social movements. We are have local and regional roots and we believe that a good place to begin fighting back, is right in our own back yard. 

Beginning in November 2016, we began paying a small group of regular contributors a small stipend of $50/month. Our goal is to build a strong cadre of pull-no-punches journalists and writers by investing in them. Up until November , all of us who wrote for Raging Chicken Press did so on a volunteer, extracurricular basis. Our members are our primary source of funding our server space, upgrading equiptment, and covering the cost of investigations and reporting. In order to build a sustainable, progressive media network, we cannot rely upon volunteers. We need to be able to pay our writers and contributors and help train the next generation of progressive, media activists. 

We can't do this without you. From the beginning, we have been rooted in the progressive, activist community. We don't have billionaire backers and we don't want to have to rely upon corporate advertising to fund what we do. We want to be responsive to you...fellow activists, public intellectuals, and progressives of all stripes. Help us build this movement. Become and member today! 

Increase stipends for writers

$350 per month

In November 2016, Raging Chicken began paying our regular contributors $50/month in exchange for one article per month. We’ve brought seven - count them seven! - writers on board  since. That’s huge. However, we want to pay our writers more. If we hit this goal, we will be able to pay our writers for up to two (2) additional articles per month. That would be huge. And it would be one more step toward building a strong cadre of pull-no-punches, progressive writers right here at Raging Chicken.

Bring aboard a Lehigh Valley-based writer

$450 per month

At Raging Chicken we believe that the Lehigh Valley, specifically Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton (ABE) is grossly underserved when it comes to aggressive, progressive journalism. The region is the fastest growing and thirds most populous region in Pennsylvania, yet there is a glaring lack of hard-hitting progressive media in the region. We have long said that the future of Pennsylvania politics is in the Lehigh Valley. Time that we put some resources to covering the growing activism, radical culture,  and youth politics in the region.

Boost base payment for writers from $50 to $75/month

$650 per month

At $650/month we’ll be able to make the next big boost to support our writers. We believe the best way to build progressive media is to invest in the writers who drive Raging Chicken. There is no better or more direct way ensure that you - a member of the progressive community - is supporting the media we need. Support writers who pull no punches; who cover our movements; and, who counter the spineless corporate media.

Boost base payment for writers from $75 to $100/month

$850 per month

At $850/month we’ll be able to DOUBLE the stipend we were originally able to offer our writers. While paying writers a minimum of $100/month is still a long way away from being able to pay writers a livable stipend, we are certainly moving in the right direction. When we hit this level, we’ll really be able to start making moves!

Establish an investigative journalism fund

$1,000 per month

Investigative journalism is labor intensive and it takes time and resources. When we hit the $1000/month level, we will be able establish an investigative fund to support progressive, investigative journalists who are willing to dig in deep and hold those in power accountable. We will be able to put $150/month into this fund for the sole purpose of supporting investigative journalism on Raging Chicken Press and in partnership with other progressive media outlets across the state.  

  • The amandawriter's Podcast Creator
    The amandawriter's Podcast 2016-11-29
    Keep fighting the good fight.
  • The jchernekoff's Podcast Creator
    The jchernekoff's Podcast 2016-11-13
    Jayne and I are now members of Raging Chicken Press. Get on board.
  • wildmother Creator
    wildmother 2016-06-15
    Eventually, you'll catch up with me on the environmental injustice, corruption and whistleblower retaliation in Philadelphia.
  • welcome2afghanistan Creator
    welcome2afghanistan 2016-06-11
    Anything Klava Flave is behind is worth the $$$
  • Out d’Coup Podcast Creator
    Out d’Coup Podcast 2016-06-02
    Thank you Rick! I can only hope that we can contribute to a sustainable model of progressive, investigative journalism that doesn't leave journalists out in the cold. Thanks so much for your support!
  • ricardokearns Creator
    ricardokearns 2016-06-02
    Glad to do it Kevin. I'm a freelance writer and I appreciate the importance of your work. Buena suerte.
    Rick Kearns


Pledge $2 per month

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

Loose Change: You'll get an email thank you and a mention on the podcast.

Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 5 patrons

On Board: Yup, you are into helping build a progressive, activist media network in PA and beyond! It's our most popular membership level.

You'll get an official Raging Chicken thank you card with personal thank you from our editor. 



Pledge $8 per month

$8 or more per month • 0 patrons

Rabble-Rouser: Yeah, you'll join up, but you're going to get out there and agitate and let your voice be heard!

You'll get an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a small sticker and a mention on the podcast.

PLUS: an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!





Pledge $10 per month

$10 or more per month • 2 patrons

Street fighter: You're the kind of person who will always have your friends' back. All for one...

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • PLUS: A Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • PLUS: Access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.


Pledge $15 per month

$15 or more per month • 0 patrons

Organizer: It's not just about today. It's about the long haul. You know that making change is not about instant gratification. It's about an investment in the future.

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • Access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • PLUS: a choice of one of Raging Chicken's featured reads. Past books have included, This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein; The Machine, by Lee Fang; HomeSweet, HomeGrown, by Robyn Jasko; and, The Democracy Project, by David Graeber.


Pledge $25 per month

$25 or more per month • 0 patrons

Class Warrior: Not afraid to wear the colors and answer the question, "which side are you on?"

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • PLUS: An official Raging Chicken T-shirt in all of its red and black glory.
Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

Hero/Heroine for the Cause: You lead by example and are always there to help support the work that sustains us all.

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • an official Raging Chicken T-shirt in all of its red and black glory.

  • PLUS: we will welcome you as a guest on Raging Chicken Radio to talk about an issue of action of your choice! Don't like being on the radio? No problem, you choose who comes on in your place


Pledge $100 per month

$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

Patron of the Arts of Resistance: You've paid your dues, you've worked hard, and you've made a decent living for yourself. But, you are not about pulling up the ladder after yourself. You haven't forgotten where you come from. You pay it forward.

You'll get:

  • a mention on the Raging Chicken Radio podcast

  • an official Raging Chicken thank you card with a personal thank you note from our editor

  • an oval Raging Chicken Press sticker that you can display proudly and spread the word!

  • a Union-made Raging Chicken Press pin!

  • access to live Google Hangouts with Raging Chicken writers, guests, and the editor.

  • an official Raging Chicken T-shirt in all of its red and black glory.

  • we will welcome you as a guest on Raging Chicken Radio to talk about an issue of action of your choice! Don't like being on the radio? No problem, you choose who comes on in your place.

  • PLUS: You will be invited to and honored at our annual Raging Chicken Press bash! Now THIS is the kind of Hall of Fame that's worth getting into!


Pledge $250 per month

$250 or more per month • 0 patrons

Guardian Angel: We have no idea where you came from. All we know is that we're crying tears of joy.

You'll get everything above. And...we'll just have to figure out something absolutely amazing because we are in awe of you.




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