ROTM Radio

Love ROTM Radio, and want to help Ryan On The Mic?



$0of $40

per month

0% funded

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Become a Patron
Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Show shout out

name listed on the wall of patrons 

Pledge $3 per month

$3 or more per month • 0 patrons

Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show 

have priority questions answered from feedback.

Be able to suggest topics of discussion

Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show 

have priority questions answered from feedback.

Be able to suggest topics of discussion

Come on the show as a guest for a segment.



Love ROTM Radio, and want to help Ryan On The Mic?

Hi, its Ryan On The Mic.  If you are someone who loves the show, and want to know how to help the show then look no further than right here. 

If you become a patron to ROTM Radio, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

20 Patrons

$40 per month

IF we have 20 patrons paying $2 a month, it will pay for the podcast site to stay up and running. 


Pledge $1 per month

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

Show shout out

name listed on the wall of patrons 

Pledge $3 per month

$3 or more per month • 0 patrons

Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show 

have priority questions answered from feedback.

Be able to suggest topics of discussion

Pledge $5 per month

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show 

have priority questions answered from feedback.

Be able to suggest topics of discussion

Come on the show as a guest for a segment.