Join the crew aboard Mighty Sparrow



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$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Crew members aboard Mighty Sparrow will get to know that they have helped an old sailor keep his Podcast alive!  The only way Sailing Into Oblivion will last is with your support. 


Join the crew aboard Mighty Sparrow

Sailing Into Oblivion is now bring adventure to all it's members.  After Thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail and solo sailing around the world, I am happy to share my experiences and adventures to my listeners.  With support I hope to continue to provide content from my personal life but also interviewing like minded people that are just starting to go after their own dreams.  Hearing stories of making life changing moves and sailing off into the sunset, maybe some of the stories will inspire you to get out and go for it!

If you become a patron to Sailing Into Oblivion Podcast, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Keep the Content Coming!

$500 per month

In order to keep producing content for my members, I am happy to receive the  support to be able to pay for the platform, time and production costs.  If you enjoy the content please consider helping to make this podcast grow.


Crew Member

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

Crew members aboard Mighty Sparrow will get to know that they have helped an old sailor keep his Podcast alive!  The only way Sailing Into Oblivion will last is with your support.