Spiritual Storytelling

Aloha! Don’t Miss Out On PATRON ONLY CONTENT & UNIQUE REWARDS While Supporting My World Mission!



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Become a Patron
Happiness & Peace Patron

$4.99 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Spin the wheel for your daily Soul Byte -- just enter your patron area and choose the one you are drawn to for a heart-warming, soul inspiring, thought-stimulating short and sweet sharing.
  • Early access to ALL episodes so you can get your life's answers faster!
  • Your name added to my personal Sacred Altar so you are held in love 24/7.
  • Inclusion in my daily Meditation and Prayers, bringing regular blessings, gifts and miracles into your life.
Family & Joyful Child PATRON

$22 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • All Happiness & Peace Patron Rewards as above.
  • A brand new Fairy Tale Of The Heart ebook every month downloadable directly from here.
  • Live story time. Grab your ebook so your children can follow along if they want to an hour's LIVE exclusive, interactive story time.  I'll sit down over Zoom with your children and even you to read the monthly Fairy Tale.  I will also make time for your little ones to ask questions and we can even enjoy some informal sharing time. Imagine the utter wonder of being a child, logging into your favorite author and seeing them read a story directly to you and then they even chat with you later.
  • Get interactive with your story! Your child will have a favorite part of the story they heard. Now it's time for them to illustrate that scene and send it directly to me.
  • See your child's contribution come to life. Once I have enough illustrations for each story, I'll publish the book as a "Fully-Illustrated By Children" Version.  All participating children will get this as an ebook and if your child's illustration is selected, they'll receive:    

1.  Personal Recognition and Community Celebration on the next Live Story Time.

2.  Financial Rewards which will be based on how these "Fully-Illustrated By Children" Fairy Tales are received by book lovers and relevant legal requirements.

Love & Community Patron

$44 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • All Happiness & Peace Patron Rewards as above.
  • All Family & Joyful Child Patron Rewards as above.
  • You're craving authentic, supportive human connection and you know that group energy is more powerful than solo energy.  You are also seeking a deeper, more consistent spiritual connection because you know it brings you peace and clarity like nothing else.  That's why I've created these exclusive, interactive, live monthly Group Gatherings via Zoom to inspire, nurture and further enhance your Personal Life Experience.  These special hour long gatherings will:

1.  Boost your vitality and intuition through Shaktipat Kundalini Meditation Activations and Accelerations.

2.  Reveal personal insights and SOULutions to yours and your family's current challenges and dreams.

3.  Provide a Safe Space to BE and Share "what's alive for you in the moment".   Total sharing time is usually 30 minutes of our Gathering.

4.  Give you a stable, ongoing opportunity to feel inspired, energized, joyful and loved, with ways to heighten those till we meet again.

5.  Be part of a loving, trusted group of Soul Brothers and Sisters that you can commune with during our circle and beyond.

  • Course Access:

1.  Got Pain?  Here's The Pain Detectives SOULutions!--2 Modules

2.  The Grief of Death & Death of Grief!--6 Modules

Rapid Transformation Patron

$99 or more per month • 0 of 25 patrons

  • All 3 Previous Patron Category Rewards as above Plus:
  • A personal 1-1 30-Minute Monthly Transformational Shift Session with me via Zoom where I can take you deeper than in a group session. Get ready to witness those endless struggles dissolve as month by month we bring more light into your being.
  • Receive personalized energetic initiations to accelerate your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual evolution.
  • With my personal ONGOING Support, obstacles and patterns keeping you from achieving your full potential in all ways will no longer be able to hide.
  • You'll finally be able to enjoy the life you know you deserve.


  • These 30-Minute Transformational Shift Sessions ARE ONLY AVAILABLE HERE & LIMITED IN NUMBER!


Beyond Ecstasy & Success Patron

$119 or more per month • 0 of 25 patrons

  • All Four Patron Rewards above AND an additional 30 minutes to tag onto your personal 1:1 with me, giving you a whole hour.
  • What's going to make you feel more certain that you can create the future of your dreams than dedicating a whole hour a month to your personal growth with a Master of Ancient Arts & Sacred Sciences who's helped  thousands of people just like you transform their lives?
  • For just $20 extra a month you'll be able to carve out that extra special time to nurture your body, mind, heart and soul with me.


  • LIMITED IN NUMBER--Don't Hesitate!


All Access Superstar Patron

$1177 or more per month • 0 of 10 patrons


Personal Trainings, Certifications & Courses To Accelerate Your Growth Without Limitations! 

  • First three Rewards above and Beyond Ecstasy & Success Patron Rewards as above PLUS:
  • Your name displayed as a Superstar Patron on my Podcast Page and Website with a link to your Website.
  • Develop the skills, knowledge and wisdom to live the life of your dreams and create a new career or enhance your current career with the Unique- In-All-The-World Courses & Trainings below.
  1. Quantum Energy Academy 24-Month Training & Teaching Certification (Meditation, Reiki, T'ai Chi, Yoga, Qigong, Sound Healing, Crystals & More).    No obligation to teach what you learn.  Use for Personal Empowerment only if you so desire.
  2. Weekly Live Soul Circle Gatherings via Zoom.  Can you even imagine what being with a group of truly like-minded, love-hearted and soul-soaring brothers and sisters every week who want to see you achieve your full potential will bless you with?
  3. Lifetime Membership in Bliss Beary Bear's BE-YOND-A BOOK CLUB giving you and your children A FOREVER LIBRARY of 85+ Educational, Entertaining and Inspiring Fairy Tales and Audio Books, Monthly Activities, Two Live Parent Support Gatherings and More.
  4. Two 10-Module Courses (you don't have to be a parent or have a family to enjoy, learn and receive the blessings of these courses):

A.  "The Magical Miracle Of You Self Empowerment Program For Children & Families".

B.  "Sacred Parent, Magical Child".


Get Started Today with A Personal Chat to insure this aligns with your needs and life purpose.  Contact me using the Chat Window At My Website! 

Please note that due to the extensive training you'll receive, you must continue this patron package for 24 consecutive months. Early cancellation will end your participation in items 1,2 and 3, along with any certifications not yet completed.  If you encounter several months of financial difficulty and need to temporarily stop and then re-enter, we can work something out on an individual basis.



Aloha! Don’t Miss Out On PATRON ONLY CONTENT & UNIQUE REWARDS While Supporting My World Mission!

Transcript Of Video For Those Who Prefer Reading!

Aloha Beloved!

My name is Timothy and I’m so delighted you’re here because I’ve designed some special experiences to help you live the life your heart desires while helping others do the same.

For over 40 years I’ve been helping thousands of people just like you leap over some of life’s most difficult challenges so they can live the life of their dreams.

Are you ready to reconnect with the magic and wonder of life you’ve longed to live but just haven’t found or stabilized?

It’s my joyful mission in life to help get there like I did with the couple who, after 6 years of unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child, did so within two weeks of just one session with me.

Would you like to put whatever’s keeping you from miracles as wonderful as this behind you forever?

Then I’m sure one of the Patron Packages will spark your magic.

One lady, scheduled for surgery, walked out of her first session with me amazed that the large grapefruit-sized lump in her leg was reduced to a ping pong ball size.  Within weeks it was gone!  And so were the decades of guilt she had bottled up into that lump. 

Another lady conquered her many destructive physical and emotional addictions within just six months. 

I’ve held people at birth and death, in joy and sadness, with almost every challenge you can imagine and some I wouldn’t want anyone to imagine or suffer through.

Starting today I do want you to take some time daily to recall and feel the strongest energies you’ve ever felt lighting up your body. Once you can sense those powerful vibrations, I want you to imagine turning up the dial so you can increase their intensity. With practice, you’ll be able to fill your body with these powerful soul vibrations any time you want. The energies you create with this simple exercise will make every aspect of your life feel groovier than ever whenever you want.

Even with that exercise, you’ll still experience stormy seas. They’ll feel like tidal waves of financial, emotional, physical, relationship or mental upheavals.

As a Spiritual Storytelling Patron, you’ll have the support and skills to successfully surf whatever wild and whacky waves appear in your life and calmly ride them to shore without wiping out.

At the same time, your contribution will further my mission which is to change children’s lives by bringing 100 Fairy Tales Of The Heart and their associated courses to the world.

Along with that satisfaction and joy you’ll feel by helping our children, I promise I’ll keep piling on more bonuses for you to help expediate your own spiritual and overall development.

This is the first time in my 40 years of practice that I’ve created worldwide LIVE gatherings, 1-1 transformational shifts, and even interactive story times.

Don’t Miss this rare opportunity to receive my ongoing personal support where you and even your children can enjoy:  

  • Creative activities with financial rewards.
  • Energetic transmissions.
  • Finding solutions to current challenges.
  • Time to share what’s alive for you.
  • The inspiration, support and joy of being with kindred souls.
  • The golden treasures you need to achieve your full potential faster than you can ever do alone.
  • Even the option of a New Career!

I’ve successfully surfed unbelievable stormy seas, helped others do the same and now I devote my time to navigating the oceans of life with people like you so you just can’t drown.

So Now It’s Time to Choose the Package that Best Serves You so we can Co-Create the World We Know Is Possible. 


With All My Love,

Timothy, Founder and CEO of Transformations since 1986.


Transformations is an IRS Approved, California nonprofit organization with Federal ID #33-0180354.

To Learn More About Our Services, Courses and the LARGEST ORIGINAL LIBRARY OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS WRITTEN BY ONE AUTHOR, Timothy Stuetz, Please Click HERE!

“Give whatever you give with love, then even the tiniest pebble you offer will have a great meaning.”-Swami Chidvilasananda.

Partner With Me To Transform Children’s Lives Worldwide!

$4,444 per month
Aloha Dear Patron!
YES, Together We Can Transform Children's Lives Throughout The World!
Your Giving Helps Children And Families Receive:
  1. A FOREVER LIBRARY Of 160+ original, educational and entertaining Fairy Tale Of The Heart Books & Audio Books already released and enjoyed by thousands.
  2. My new and growing vault of Books & Audio Books. Ten have already been started.
  3. The personal connection, inspiration and joy they need to grow in all ways with Worldwide Live Interactive Monthly Story Times with their favorite author.  There's also time to ask questions and enjoy some informal sharing time.
  4. Activities to boost creativity while receiving personal recognition, community celebration and rewards by participating in a Monthly Build-A-Book Art Project.
  5. Live Zoom confidential gatherings every month (adults only) to help parents relax, rejuvenate, gain clarity, find solutions to personal and family challenges and receive the support they need to be the best parent possible.

AND as amazing as it sounds and it truly is amazing, your Patron Participation provides children all the proven ways they grow. These ways, BUILT WITHIN the books and activities, include:

  1. Stimulating their imaginations and therefore their success in life by creating their own visual images in ways unique to Fairy Tales Of The Heart!
  2. The wisdom of the ages expressed in ways that children can understand, relate to and practice themselves.
  3. Learning concepts like numbers, spatial relations and the powers of choice and boundaries.
  4. Building skills like drawing, visualizing and moving with ease.
  5. Learning how to handle conflicts and express their ideas, feelings and emotions.
  6. Developing values like kindness, empathy and responsibility.
  7. Acting as little scientists, developing into their unique selves by observing, comparing, connecting and asking for explanations. 

Ultimately every child is born with unique gifts and talents and it's our role to not strip those away but help them discover and develop them.

Your Patron Participation paves the Yellow Brick Road for children and families to skip along in happiness, health and success.  In turn, they can then help others, just like you do.


With all my love and gratitude, 


If you become a patron to Spiritual Storytelling, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 61 patron-only posts.


Happiness & Peace Patron

$4.99 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Spin the wheel for your daily Soul Byte -- just enter your patron area and choose the one you are drawn to for a heart-warming, soul inspiring, thought-stimulating short and sweet sharing.
  • Early access to ALL episodes so you can get your life's answers faster!
  • Your name added to my personal Sacred Altar so you are held in love 24/7.
  • Inclusion in my daily Meditation and Prayers, bringing regular blessings, gifts and miracles into your life.
Family & Joyful Child PATRON

$22 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • All Happiness & Peace Patron Rewards as above.
  • A brand new Fairy Tale Of The Heart ebook every month downloadable directly from here.
  • Live story time. Grab your ebook so your children can follow along if they want to an hour's LIVE exclusive, interactive story time.  I'll sit down over Zoom with your children and even you to read the monthly Fairy Tale.  I will also make time for your little ones to ask questions and we can even enjoy some informal sharing time. Imagine the utter wonder of being a child, logging into your favorite author and seeing them read a story directly to you and then they even chat with you later.
  • Get interactive with your story! Your child will have a favorite part of the story they heard. Now it's time for them to illustrate that scene and send it directly to me.
  • See your child's contribution come to life. Once I have enough illustrations for each story, I'll publish the book as a "Fully-Illustrated By Children" Version.  All participating children will get this as an ebook and if your child's illustration is selected, they'll receive:    

1.  Personal Recognition and Community Celebration on the next Live Story Time.

2.  Financial Rewards which will be based on how these "Fully-Illustrated By Children" Fairy Tales are received by book lovers and relevant legal requirements.

Love & Community Patron

$44 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • All Happiness & Peace Patron Rewards as above.
  • All Family & Joyful Child Patron Rewards as above.
  • You're craving authentic, supportive human connection and you know that group energy is more powerful than solo energy.  You are also seeking a deeper, more consistent spiritual connection because you know it brings you peace and clarity like nothing else.  That's why I've created these exclusive, interactive, live monthly Group Gatherings via Zoom to inspire, nurture and further enhance your Personal Life Experience.  These special hour long gatherings will:

1.  Boost your vitality and intuition through Shaktipat Kundalini Meditation Activations and Accelerations.

2.  Reveal personal insights and SOULutions to yours and your family's current challenges and dreams.

3.  Provide a Safe Space to BE and Share "what's alive for you in the moment".   Total sharing time is usually 30 minutes of our Gathering.

4.  Give you a stable, ongoing opportunity to feel inspired, energized, joyful and loved, with ways to heighten those till we meet again.

5.  Be part of a loving, trusted group of Soul Brothers and Sisters that you can commune with during our circle and beyond.

  • Course Access:

1.  Got Pain?  Here's The Pain Detectives SOULutions!--2 Modules

2.  The Grief of Death & Death of Grief!--6 Modules

Rapid Transformation Patron

$99 or more per month • 0 of 25 patrons

  • All 3 Previous Patron Category Rewards as above Plus:
  • A personal 1-1 30-Minute Monthly Transformational Shift Session with me via Zoom where I can take you deeper than in a group session. Get ready to witness those endless struggles dissolve as month by month we bring more light into your being.
  • Receive personalized energetic initiations to accelerate your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual evolution.
  • With my personal ONGOING Support, obstacles and patterns keeping you from achieving your full potential in all ways will no longer be able to hide.
  • You'll finally be able to enjoy the life you know you deserve.


  • These 30-Minute Transformational Shift Sessions ARE ONLY AVAILABLE HERE & LIMITED IN NUMBER!


Beyond Ecstasy & Success Patron

$119 or more per month • 0 of 25 patrons

  • All Four Patron Rewards above AND an additional 30 minutes to tag onto your personal 1:1 with me, giving you a whole hour.
  • What's going to make you feel more certain that you can create the future of your dreams than dedicating a whole hour a month to your personal growth with a Master of Ancient Arts & Sacred Sciences who's helped  thousands of people just like you transform their lives?
  • For just $20 extra a month you'll be able to carve out that extra special time to nurture your body, mind, heart and soul with me.


  • LIMITED IN NUMBER--Don't Hesitate!


All Access Superstar Patron

$1177 or more per month • 0 of 10 patrons


Personal Trainings, Certifications & Courses To Accelerate Your Growth Without Limitations! 

  • First three Rewards above and Beyond Ecstasy & Success Patron Rewards as above PLUS:
  • Your name displayed as a Superstar Patron on my Podcast Page and Website with a link to your Website.
  • Develop the skills, knowledge and wisdom to live the life of your dreams and create a new career or enhance your current career with the Unique- In-All-The-World Courses & Trainings below.
  1. Quantum Energy Academy 24-Month Training & Teaching Certification (Meditation, Reiki, T'ai Chi, Yoga, Qigong, Sound Healing, Crystals & More).    No obligation to teach what you learn.  Use for Personal Empowerment only if you so desire.
  2. Weekly Live Soul Circle Gatherings via Zoom.  Can you even imagine what being with a group of truly like-minded, love-hearted and soul-soaring brothers and sisters every week who want to see you achieve your full potential will bless you with?
  3. Lifetime Membership in Bliss Beary Bear's BE-YOND-A BOOK CLUB giving you and your children A FOREVER LIBRARY of 85+ Educational, Entertaining and Inspiring Fairy Tales and Audio Books, Monthly Activities, Two Live Parent Support Gatherings and More.
  4. Two 10-Module Courses (you don't have to be a parent or have a family to enjoy, learn and receive the blessings of these courses):

A.  "The Magical Miracle Of You Self Empowerment Program For Children & Families".

B.  "Sacred Parent, Magical Child".


Get Started Today with A Personal Chat to insure this aligns with your needs and life purpose.  Contact me using the Chat Window At My Website! 

Please note that due to the extensive training you'll receive, you must continue this patron package for 24 consecutive months. Early cancellation will end your participation in items 1,2 and 3, along with any certifications not yet completed.  If you encounter several months of financial difficulty and need to temporarily stop and then re-enter, we can work something out on an individual basis.



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