Ask Pastor Steve Cioccolanti (archive)

Discover Church Online: Biblical content, Christian interaction, Personal mentoring 4 the End Times



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You're a Student

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

You get access to my Patron-only feed and Patron-only comments. I will put special posts and photos not found anywhere else on other social media platforms. YouTube's notification has been fishy of late (subscribers fail to be notified, some have been unsubscribed without their consent!), but when you sign up via Podbean Patron, you will be notified directly when I upload something new, which is pretty awesome!

Plus you can feel good about supporting a channel you find valuable. 

You’re an Online Church Member

$12 or more per month • 0 patrons

For the price of one bowl of ramen, you can submit your personal prayer request and I will pray for you by name. You can also post questions to me in Podbean and I will interact with my Patrons privately. Please post fan art and constructive comments. I will try my best to answer all polite and theological questions within a month. If I am traveling for ministry, please excuse my absence. 

Your access is to mainly audios and occasionally videos. 

PLUS all previous rewards!

You're an Online Church Hero

$22 or more per month • 0 patrons

You really like me. I’ll follow you on Twitter (provided your tweets are clean). Please send me your Twitter handle. Mine is @cioccolanti. I will also retweet your tweets which I find funny or insightful.

After 3 months, you will receive one 15% discount coupon to be used for products in our Discover online shop within 6 months: (Please claim with me directly once you qualify.) If you do not shop for physical books, CDs, DVDs, mugs, we can alternatively send you the same discount for digital products on Vimeo. 

You're My Collaborator

$58 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will have access to private videos about the vision and leading God gives me. Sometimes I need help with research and ideas. Collaborators are the people I will discuss with. You can also send me questions or ideas for a new video. I reserve the discretion to choose which ones I approve, but I will seriously consider your suggestion and you have my eternal gratitude for collaborating with my ministry in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide! 

After 2 months, you will receive one 20% discount coupon to be used for products in our Discover online shop within a year: (Please claim with me directly once you qualify.) 

PLUS all previous rewards!

Cioccolanti's VIP Only Club

$120 or more per month • 0 patrons

You practice tithing and offering. You are helping me minister, travel and buy important equipment to operate this end-time ministry. You will get a personal thank you from me and a signed book (while stock lasts).

You will be first to hear about projects I’m working on. I will record a short video just for you and/or mention your name in a video credit (choice is yours, please let me know as soon as you give if you prefer anonymity).   

PLUS all previous rewards, including one 20% discount coupon that can be used right away (no delay) at:


Discover Church Online: Biblical content, Christian interaction, Personal mentoring 4 the End Times


Steve Cioccolanti here! I have a dream of creating an End-Time Network, starting with Discover Church Online to deliver more Christian content for like-minded believers, and culminating in clean social media for the Body of Christ and anyone in the world who resists the globalist agenda and anti-Christian bias. There are 3 groups I would like to help in particular:

1) strong Christians who sense the urgency of reaching the lost through massive collaboration. You have gifts, time, talent you want to pour into a ministry team that is having eternal impact.  

2) disenchanted Christians who have left the church. God sees your tears, hears your cry, and will come back to deliver justice. Don't stay stuck and don't give up! 

3) genuine believers and seekers who live in areas where you have not found a good local church, one which fearlessly teaches all of God's Word, including prophecy and the Lord's return.

You have a part to play in preparing for the Lord's coming, in our ministry, and I want to hear from you!

With the explosion of ministry work, books to write, videos to film, social media to keep up-to-date, I get a lot of spam mail, but I have probably missed quite a few genuine emails and "thank you" messages. It weighs on my heart heavily that I cannot do more, I am only one man, but God is not limited. He has many creative solutions, please allow me to share one I've found...

Podbean Patron, a place for people who really like me and want to be part of what I do, provides some solutions for us: 
Filters out trolls. Finally, a clean community that's safe for people who love Jesus! 
Rewards donors (only patrons get to see and share special content) 
- I post messages and photos on Patreon which only my patrons will see (community rule: please don't repost anywhere else)
- You can post your testimonies, questions, and fan art that will be seen by me and my inner community.
Gives instant and easy access to premium audios and videos on your browser or any mobile device. (This is a BIG answer to customers' request for streaming service. No more shipping fees by Australia Post. No more waiting!) 
Raises awareness of ministry needs and opportunities to you who want to grow and move from being a consumer to contributor, or what I call prosumer
Creates an online church community so we can hang out with people who are serious about discipleship and are preparing for our Lord's Second Coming. 

Please join me, Steve Cioccolanti, on Podbean Patron right now! There are 5 levels of rewards for: Students, Patrons, Heroes, Collaborators, and True Legends. You are free to upgrade or cancel any time. Welcome to my network of end-time servants of God.
If you become a patron to Ask Pastor Steve Cioccolanti (archive), you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Create Clean Social Media centered on the Bible & Christian Content

$8,333 per month

Creating clean social media requires the smartest software developers and advanced technologies. The best seem to be anti-God, left-wing and residing in California. We need to recruit and reward talents from around the world to complete this project. 

Each experienced developer is easily worth US$100,000 per year on the secular market. Our expenses include more than software development, but also physical equipment, accounting, legal advice, office personnel such as customer relations and management. But as a first step, we challenge patrons to a crowdfunding goal equivalent to paying one developer full-time or US$8333 a month. 

Thank you for your support and prayers! ~ Pastor Steve Cioccolanti


You're a Student

$2 or more per month • 0 patrons

You get access to my Patron-only feed and Patron-only comments. I will put special posts and photos not found anywhere else on other social media platforms. YouTube's notification has been fishy of late (subscribers fail to be notified, some have been unsubscribed without their consent!), but when you sign up via Podbean Patron, you will be notified directly when I upload something new, which is pretty awesome!

Plus you can feel good about supporting a channel you find valuable. 

You’re an Online Church Member

$12 or more per month • 0 patrons

For the price of one bowl of ramen, you can submit your personal prayer request and I will pray for you by name. You can also post questions to me in Podbean and I will interact with my Patrons privately. Please post fan art and constructive comments. I will try my best to answer all polite and theological questions within a month. If I am traveling for ministry, please excuse my absence. 

Your access is to mainly audios and occasionally videos. 

PLUS all previous rewards!

You're an Online Church Hero

$22 or more per month • 0 patrons

You really like me. I’ll follow you on Twitter (provided your tweets are clean). Please send me your Twitter handle. Mine is @cioccolanti. I will also retweet your tweets which I find funny or insightful.

After 3 months, you will receive one 15% discount coupon to be used for products in our Discover online shop within 6 months: (Please claim with me directly once you qualify.) If you do not shop for physical books, CDs, DVDs, mugs, we can alternatively send you the same discount for digital products on Vimeo. 

You're My Collaborator

$58 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will have access to private videos about the vision and leading God gives me. Sometimes I need help with research and ideas. Collaborators are the people I will discuss with. You can also send me questions or ideas for a new video. I reserve the discretion to choose which ones I approve, but I will seriously consider your suggestion and you have my eternal gratitude for collaborating with my ministry in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide! 

After 2 months, you will receive one 20% discount coupon to be used for products in our Discover online shop within a year: (Please claim with me directly once you qualify.) 

PLUS all previous rewards!

Cioccolanti's VIP Only Club

$120 or more per month • 0 patrons

You practice tithing and offering. You are helping me minister, travel and buy important equipment to operate this end-time ministry. You will get a personal thank you from me and a signed book (while stock lasts).

You will be first to hear about projects I’m working on. I will record a short video just for you and/or mention your name in a video credit (choice is yours, please let me know as soon as you give if you prefer anonymity).   

PLUS all previous rewards, including one 20% discount coupon that can be used right away (no delay) at:


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