Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
Support Storycast by donating $1/month ($12/year). Every little bit helps. Thank you!
GET $1 REWARDPledge $5 per month
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Become a member of the Storycast family and receive either a limited-edition t-shirt, coffee mug, or original music album from season two... as a thanks for your continued pledged support of $5/month ($60/year). Thank you!
GET $5 REWARDSupport Storycast Podcast SEASON TWO
The many chapters of life that tell the stories of us… Finding the common thread in different types of stories.
Support Storycast by donating $5/month ($60/year) and support the show as it grows in season two! As a founding member, you will receive a limited-edition t-shirt, coffee mug, or album download of original music from season two as a thank you for your support.
Technical Mumbo Jumbo
Off the bat, it costs about $120/annually for hosting and web services. Help me cover the raw costs of producing the show!
Show Contributors
If we reach this goal, we'll be able to pay professional show contributors to enrich the show's diversity of voice, perspectives, and tone. This was an exciting part of the show in the final episodes of season one, and I hope it can continue!
Pay the Man
If we hit 480, I'll be making about ONE DOLLAR PER HOUR to produce Storycast. Yeah! Rolling in the dough! Hey, we gotta start small...
Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
Support Storycast by donating $1/month ($12/year). Every little bit helps. Thank you!
GET $1 REWARDPledge $5 per month
$5 or more per month • 0 patrons
Become a member of the Storycast family and receive either a limited-edition t-shirt, coffee mug, or original music album from season two... as a thanks for your continued pledged support of $5/month ($60/year). Thank you!