Threads From The National Tapestry: Stories From The American Civil War

Pledge Now To Support Fred Kiger And The Podcast Team



$406of $1,000

per month

40.6% funded

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Get A Show Shout Out

$5 or more per month • 26 patrons

Personal shout-out from Fred at the end of an upcoming episode.

Title Sponsor

$100 or more per month • 2 of 3 patrons

Become a title sponsor of the show for $100/month. You'll get a mention & thank you from Fred at the end of each episode during his wrap-up synopsis. We'll also link to your business from the show's website.

YouTube Sponsorship

$1000 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons

Become the title sponsor of Fred's YouTube channel and be seen by hundreds of thousands of viewers. Sponsorship includes a mention of the sponsor in each video's opening and 30-second mid-roll video commercial. Link to sponsor in each episode's description. Also includes a post-roll commercial in the audio podcast version of the show.

As of June 1, 2024, the channel has almost 50K subscribers and over 8 million views. GET $1000 REWARD

Pledge Now To Support Fred Kiger And The Podcast Team

With your pledge, it'll help cover the ongoing podcast costs we encounter. It'll also keep Fred coming back to tell more stories. He has hundreds of them ready to deploy and we'd love to bring you this content for years to come. The more pledges we get, the more sophisticated and detailed we can make each podcast.

NOTE: Please e-mail us at upon pledging to organize your patron shout-out on the podcast!

If you become a patron to Threads From The National Tapestry: Stories From The American Civil War, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

More Frequent Episodes

$1,000 per month

When this goal is reached, we'll start distributing content more frequently.

  • The bennancholas's Podcast Creator
    The bennancholas's Podcast 18 days ago
    I look forward to every podcast each month from across the pond in the UK. Thank you so much for all the work you put into each and every episode From Ben Nancholas, Winchester, England.
  • The mgower559's Podcast Creator
    The mgower559's Podcast 2 months ago
    I have enjoyed your show for several years now, and believe there is nothing that makes mowing the grass or working long shifts go by so pleasantly. I’m excited to see how much the show has grown as it’s truly the best civil war podcast out there. Many thanks and prayers from Pennsylvania.
  • The qttrailworker354's Podcast Creator
    The qttrailworker354's Podcast 4 months ago
    Love it listen to it at work all day. Makes the day fly. What a storyteller.
  • The parkerrlee's Podcast Creator
    The parkerrlee's Podcast 5 months ago
    Thank you for the countless hours you have put in to telling the stories of our nation’s civil war. I look forward to enjoying many more episodes.
  • The Bw9362608u's Podcast Creator
    The Bw9362608u's Podcast 6 months ago
    Email address error! Email is I mistakenly capitalized the b and seem to be unable to correct this.
  • The Linfontr's Podcast Creator
    The Linfontr's Podcast 7 months ago
    Keep up the great work…we love your videos.
    Ron Linfonte
  • The Hassanhassan4760's Podcast Creator
    The Hassanhassan4760's Podcast 8 months ago
    Your work is much appreciated, it is very well informative entertaining and epic. History truly is alive!
  • The janswesoccer's Podcast Creator
    The janswesoccer's Podcast 11 months ago
    Wish you the best. Wonderful podcast. All the best from Sweden and just keep it up.
  • The braunwartmr's Podcast Creator
    The braunwartmr's Podcast 2023-07-12
    Fred, you have the best civil war podcast out there. I enjoy how you give just the right amount of details.
  • The kellyaphillips12's Podcast Creator
    The kellyaphillips12's Podcast 2022-12-22
    Fred - I found your podcast months ago ENTIRELY by accident, and I've happily devoured every episode. I work as a graphic artist for a sign manufacturer that frequently makes interpretive signs for national & state parks. From my desk in PA, I'm lucky enough to get to read info on signs going to places like Gettysburg, Antietam, or Chickamauga before they're ever installed. I already love history, but your narratives and relatable stage-setting truly bring it to life. It's an honor to listen!

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Get A Show Shout Out

$5 or more per month • 26 patrons

Personal shout-out from Fred at the end of an upcoming episode.

Title Sponsor

$100 or more per month • 2 of 3 patrons

Become a title sponsor of the show for $100/month. You'll get a mention & thank you from Fred at the end of each episode during his wrap-up synopsis. We'll also link to your business from the show's website.

YouTube Sponsorship

$1000 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons

Become the title sponsor of Fred's YouTube channel and be seen by hundreds of thousands of viewers. Sponsorship includes a mention of the sponsor in each video's opening and 30-second mid-roll video commercial. Link to sponsor in each episode's description. Also includes a post-roll commercial in the audio podcast version of the show.

As of June 1, 2024, the channel has almost 50K subscribers and over 8 million views. GET $1000 REWARD