Support the TYFSN podcast, where we find meaning in life’s unexpected turns.



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Support the TYFSN podcast, where we find meaning in life’s unexpected turns.

Thank You For Saying NO is about finding a way to be thankful when we’ve been told “no.” The word “no” is supposed to be reflective of all of life’s unexpected turns. Whether it’s rejection from a job, a relationship ending, having to pick up your life and make a move you didn't want to, losing someone close to you, any sort of life altering event that you did not expect.

The TYFSN podcast idea came to me when I was going through a period of life where it felt like nothing was working out and I remember thinking that hearing stories like the ones that are going to be told on this podcast would have really helped and inspired to push me forward during that time. And, after talking with friends and family, I realized a lot of people experience these “thank you for saying no moments,” and I knew I had to start the TYFSN podcast.

I created this podcast to inspire people that when they're told no or when things don't go according to plan things will still work out, potentially even better than they could have ever imagined.

Any support means the world! It will go towards funding the podcast so I can continue to tell triumphant stories and expand the reach of the thank you for saying no community. So when people are going through the struggles of the “no” part, they don’t feel so alone; and inspire them that they too will eventually be saying  “ thank you” for saying no.” 

If you become a patron to Thank You For Saying NO, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

First Goal

$300 per month

Raising ongoing production costs/hosting fees, purchasing equipment, adding new content, and doing a special feature.


Shout out!

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

A thank you on the show or site.