Quantum of The Wee Flea is a podcast bringing a Christian perspective on news/culture/church/arts



$1,547.23of $2,000

per month

77.36% funded

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Become a Patron
Widows Mite

$5 or more per month • 14 patrons

I can't give any kind of reward other than your thanks....and your contribution is as valuable as anyone elses....

However if you would like to get a private prayer/newsletter I am happy to send that to all contributors.  

Also as a partner you are free to suggest topics and we will see what we can do. 

Reward in Heaven

$10 or more per month • 54 patrons

I can't give any kind of reward other than your thanks....

However if you would like to get a private prayer/newsletter I am happy to send that to all contributors.  

Also as a partner you are free to suggest topics and we will see what we can do. 

Super Partner

$100 or more per month • 6 patrons

A signed copy of all my books - Awakening,  The Dawkins Letters, Magnificent Obsession, Engaging with Atheists and Quench. 

If you would like I can mention you as a partner on the Podcast. 

An opportuinity to suggest topics for the podcast....

Let me know if there is anything else you would like (can't guarantee it - but who knows?!)



Quantum of The Wee Flea is a podcast bringing a Christian perspective on news/culture/church/arts

Quantum of the Wee Flea began life as a Podcast from Solas CPC and was known as Quantum of Solas.  For various reasons we have decided to make it an independent personal production - mainly so that I can be free to say whatever I want!  The purpose of the Podcast is to look at news, culture, arts etc in our society from a Christian perspective.  (note that I do not mean that everything that is said on Quantum is THE Christian view as if there were no other - the Bible does not give us a list of approved political positions!  I am just simply thinking out loud and trying to view the culture through biblical lens).    In a world where mainstream media are increasingly prejudiced and bias and where there is less emphais on objective truth and it all becomes about feelings - I want to try and provide some clarity in the midst of the confusion. 

I believe that the Church should speak into as well as about the culture.   That is what Quantum tries to do.  It is good to see that it continues to grow and be appreciated by more and more people from all over the world.  

I can do the research, writing and record the podcast.  However I have no technical ability or understanding whatsoever.  And as a busy pastor with a congregation to look after and a wider public ministry, including through the Wee Flea blog and in the secular media (and also editor of The Record) I don't have the time to develop the skills necessary.  So we have to pay someone to do the technical side and we also need to replace equipment, pay licences etc.  

I really can't do this on my own....so if you would like to help this ministry there are two things you can do.  First of all pray for the work (it is a spiritual battle) and secondly contribute through this crowdfunder....I have no independent or family wealth and rely on a Free Church ministers salary so I do not have the means to continue this on my own. 

May the Lord richly bless you , whoever you are, and whatever you decide to do! 

Yours in Christ


Keep the Quantum Running

$1,000 per month

This is for production costs, hosting fees and upgrading equipment 


Further Development of Quantum

$2,000 per month

Upgrading equipment and getting new content especially through interviews. 

  • The geparker44's Podcast Creator
    The geparker44's Podcast 7 months ago
    Thank you for your creative and thoughtful programing. I enjoy this program as well as the daily bible study. God Bless
  • The jackpinejake's Podcast Creator
    The jackpinejake's Podcast 2024-03-25
    I never miss an episode! Thank you and God bless you for what you do, keeping us informed where other “news” outlets do not. I know you try to keep episodes to a certain length, but honestly I would still listen if it was an hour long! As a U.S. citizen, I appreciate hearing your perspective on some of the awful messes that we have brewing in this country. Keep up the great work!
    Greg from Michigan, USA.
  • The basingmike's Podcast Creator
    The basingmike's Podcast 2024-01-20
    Dear David, your courageous approach to use every means to reach the lost with the good news is inspiring and challenging. Please keep going and may the Lord bless you and protect you. "A perpetual crisis of dependence on the living God" - is our calling. Sorry that I've been enjoying your commentary for years but only just got around to contributing. May you know His wisdom in every decision and direction you take as you walk in the glorious light of the gospel.
  • The plewsjm's Podcast Creator
    The plewsjm's Podcast 2023-09-15
    Thanks you David. Listening in from Ontario Canada. Enjoy you bring the news from around the world! After listening to the Episode 267 and the disturbing news in Victoria/UK decided to support you regularly. We give thanks to the Lord that He reigns.
  • The therevde's Podcast Creator
    The therevde's Podcast 2023-09-05
    May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him in this way.I really appreciate the hard work and the focus on the Lord. Thanks Richard
  • The yvonneyyvv's Podcast Creator
    The yvonneyyvv's Podcast 2023-07-11
    Thanks David, enjoy your podcast with its current news and the music thanks for giving a different perspective from the news we see on ABC !
  • The geoffcq's Podcast Creator
    The geoffcq's Podcast 2022-12-02
    Julia and I are privileged to join with you and Annabel in this ministry.
  • The teresavanniekerk's Podcast Creator
    The teresavanniekerk's Podcast 2022-10-07
    Your podcast was the first I listened to and I binged listened to all your podcasts until I caught up to them all, now I look forward to every Friday to listen to your latest podcast. God bless you and the work you do.
  • The effiealexander's Podcast Creator
    The effiealexander's Podcast 2022-06-21
    I really appreciate these podcasts - helpful, encouraging and challenging.
    Thank you David and the Lord bless you and Annabel.
  • The irisbramley's Podcast Creator
    The irisbramley's Podcast 2022-03-06
    I have found your Quantum articles and Coffee with Job very insightful and encouraging - thank you

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Widows Mite

$5 or more per month • 14 patrons

I can't give any kind of reward other than your thanks....and your contribution is as valuable as anyone elses....

However if you would like to get a private prayer/newsletter I am happy to send that to all contributors.  

Also as a partner you are free to suggest topics and we will see what we can do. 

Reward in Heaven

$10 or more per month • 54 patrons

I can't give any kind of reward other than your thanks....

However if you would like to get a private prayer/newsletter I am happy to send that to all contributors.  

Also as a partner you are free to suggest topics and we will see what we can do. 

Super Partner

$100 or more per month • 6 patrons

A signed copy of all my books - Awakening,  The Dawkins Letters, Magnificent Obsession, Engaging with Atheists and Quench. 

If you would like I can mention you as a partner on the Podcast. 

An opportuinity to suggest topics for the podcast....

Let me know if there is anything else you would like (can't guarantee it - but who knows?!)
