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I intend to do more podcasts as the weeks and months go by. Any support given is appreciated.
I want to get myself into a position where I can have guests on my show of varying levels of fame. I don't expect to have The Great One on, but maybe I can start with Brent Gretzky and work my way to Wayne? That could even be a theme, interviewing the less famous brothers of legendary hockey players.
I don't know what the future for this podcast holds, but I know it could lead to a ton of fun along the way.
Weekly Podcasts Guaranteed
In the unlikely event that people get me to this goal, I will be obliged to provide weekly podcasts and I need to get these things up on iTunes as well. Again, if you support my endeavors, it is greatly appreciated.
Pledge $1 per month
$1 or more per month • 0 patrons
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