Unleashed & Uncorked: The Unfiltered Pet Salon Owners Wine Down

Finally...the real unfiltered truth for pet salon owners



$0of $3,000

per month

0% funded

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Become a Patron
Bronze Tier

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Special Mention on Our Website: Your generosity doesn’t go unnoticed. We’ll list your name on a dedicated section of our website to thank you for your support.
  • Thank-You Email: A personal expression of our gratitude, delivered directly to your inbox.
Silver Tier

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Exclusive Early Access: Be among the first to experience our upcoming feature. We value your support and want you to see the impact of your contribution firsthand.
  • Personalized Thank-You Video: A special video message from our team, thanking you for your generosity and highlighting the difference your donation makes.
Gold Tier

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Name or Logo in Marketing Materials: As a token of our immense gratitude, we’ll include your name or logo in select marketing materials, showcasing your pivotal support to a wider audience.
  • Exclusive Bonus Material: Gain access to unfiltered, raw content once a week. These special pieces provide a deeper insight into our work, reserved just for you.
Platinum Tier

$25 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Early Access to Retreats: Before we announce our exclusive retreats to the public, you’ll have the opportunity to secure your spot. It’s our way of saying thank you and ensuring our most supportive donors experience these special events first.


Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

* A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host
* One hour video consult with the hosts every 3 mths GET $50 REWARD

Finally...the real unfiltered truth for pet salon owners

Dear Friends,

The life of a pet salon owner is one filled with boundless joy and, admittedly, its fair share of challenges. From the blissful barks and purrs of satisfaction to the bustling business demands, it's a path that requires not just skill, but heart. However, navigating the pressures can sometimes lead to burnout, leaving us searching for a compass to guide us back.

This is why we've launched our podcast - a beacon for pet salon owners everywhere who are dealing with the highs and lows of running a vibrant salon. Our mission is more than just sharing advice; it's about creating a community where support, understanding, and practical guidance light every corner.

Your Pledge, Your Impact

By pledging your support, you're not just sustaining this vital resource; you're reinforcing a network of passionate professionals dedicated to not only surviving but thriving in this wonderful endeavor we share. Your patronage ensures the continuance of insightful episodes, the expansion of our content, and the deepening of our collective knowledge.

Benefits for Our Patrons

In gratitude for your pledge, you'll gain exclusive access to our Groomer's Retreat Network information. This gateway offers not just a retreat from the whirlwind of salon life but a chance to rejuvenate, learn, and connect with peers who understand the unique path you walk. It's our way of saying thank you, providing a space for growth, relaxation, and revival.

  • Exclusive Early Access to Retreat Information: Be the first to know about upcoming retreats designed specifically for pet salon professionals.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-hearted individuals who share your passion and understand your challenges.
  • A Voice in the Community: Your pledge means your voice counts. Suggest topics, speakers, and activities you'd like to see in future retreats and podcast episodes.

Join Us

We invite you to take this step with us. To pledge is to promise each other that we won't walk this path alone but as part of a community that values well-being, professionalism, and the joy that our fuzzy friends bring into our lives and salons every day.

Together, we can turn the tide against burnout and light up the path to a future where every pet salon owner has the support, resources, and opportunities they need to flourish.

With heartfelt thanks,


Unleashed & Uncorked

If you become a patron to Unleashed & Uncorked: The Unfiltered Pet Salon Owners Wine Down, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Lets Run Smoothly so I can Start Drafting RETREATS for Groomers

$3,000 per month

Every dollar brings us closer to our target and the realization of our project. Here’s how we plan to allocate the funds once we reach our goal:

Use of Funds Breakdown

  • Product Development and Manufacturing (50%): Half of the funds will be dedicated to the heart of our project - turning the prototype into a mass-manufacturable product. This includes refining the design, securing materials, and covering manufacturing costs to produce the first batch of products.
  • Marketing and Promotional Activities (25%): A quarter of the budget is earmarked for marketing efforts. We understand the importance of visibility and reaching the right audience. This allocation will go towards digital marketing campaigns, promotional materials, and activities aimed at increasing product awareness and engaging potential backers like you.
  • Operational Expenses (15%): Keeping the wheels turning smoothly is crucial. This portion of the funds will support the operational side of our project, including website maintenance, customer support, and the logistics of fulfillment services, ensuring that we deliver on our promises efficiently.
  • Contingency Fund (10%): We’re planning for success while preparing for unforeseen challenges. The contingency fund is our safety net, allowing us to address any unexpected expenses or hurdles that may arise during the project's development and execution phases.

Join Us on This Journey

Your support means more than just meeting our financial goals. It's about believing in the vision and becoming part of a community that champions innovation and creativity. Whether it’s by backing us financially, spreading the word, or simply sending good vibes our way, your involvement is invaluable.

Together, we can turn this vision into a tangible reality. Thank you for considering backing our project and for believing in the power of collective support.


Bronze Tier

$1 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Special Mention on Our Website: Your generosity doesn’t go unnoticed. We’ll list your name on a dedicated section of our website to thank you for your support.
  • Thank-You Email: A personal expression of our gratitude, delivered directly to your inbox.
Silver Tier

$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Exclusive Early Access: Be among the first to experience our upcoming feature. We value your support and want you to see the impact of your contribution firsthand.
  • Personalized Thank-You Video: A special video message from our team, thanking you for your generosity and highlighting the difference your donation makes.
Gold Tier

$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Name or Logo in Marketing Materials: As a token of our immense gratitude, we’ll include your name or logo in select marketing materials, showcasing your pivotal support to a wider audience.
  • Exclusive Bonus Material: Gain access to unfiltered, raw content once a week. These special pieces provide a deeper insight into our work, reserved just for you.
Platinum Tier

$25 or more per month • 0 patrons

  • Early Access to Retreats: Before we announce our exclusive retreats to the public, you’ll have the opportunity to secure your spot. It’s our way of saying thank you and ensuring our most supportive donors experience these special events first.


Pledge $50 per month

$50 or more per month • 0 patrons

* A 60 second sponsorship of your product or service, read by the host
* One hour video consult with the hosts every 3 mths GET $50 REWARD

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