Support our efforts to celebrate thousands of local varsity student athletes in the KCMO area.



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Become a Patron

$3 or more per month • 0 patrons

Thank you! At just $3 per month, you're telling us we are producing and delivering content valuable to you. You will receive access to exclusive bonus content. We'll even put your name on our web site!


$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

No reward necessary. You just want to support us in our efforts to provide the best varsity football coverage we can for the Suburban Conference teams. However, you still receive access to exclusive bonus content — and a sticker!


$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

At this level you'e making a personal commitment to supporting our efforts to feature local varsity athletes in new and exciting ways. In addition to access to exclusive content, you'll receive some Varsity KC swag as a well as a personal thank you from the Varsity KC team.


$50 or more per month • 0 of 6 patrons

{Limited to 6 patrons} At this level, you will receive all of the rewards from the previous tiers. But more importantly, you are invited to join our Varsity KC strategic planning team as we refine the show and create new and improved ways to feature our local student athletes. (You'll be sworn to secrecy!) As a part of this intentionally small group, you (and/or your business) will also receive recognition during any special events or bonus episodes of the podcast. And you get some swag!


Support our efforts to celebrate thousands of local varsity student athletes in the KCMO area.

Varsity Kansas City features a regular panel of veteran sports reporters featuring student athletes from suburban Kansas City, Missouri high schools. The panel offers listeners insight into their favorite local teams through insight and stories not found in any other media outlet. Whether we’re current athletes, former athletes, spectators, or even a combination of these, our interest in sports likely started because the games were fun. Sports should be fun — especially high school sports. So much of our communities’ identities and social interaction is intertwined with high school activities, we put this group together in an effort to create a media service reminding all of us of the role sports provide our communities. Your support helps us continue this effort, add more local content and insure local sports coverage continues at a level you deserve.

If you become a patron to , you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

In the field

$100 per month

Reaching this goal will allow us to purchase additional equipment and give us the ability to provide local fans with content before, during and after events live from varsity events in their community. As always, the goal of Varsity Kansas City is to go beyond scores and stats to provide local fans with access to perspectives and insights into their favorite local teams they can't get anywhere else.



$3 or more per month • 0 patrons

Thank you! At just $3 per month, you're telling us we are producing and delivering content valuable to you. You will receive access to exclusive bonus content. We'll even put your name on our web site!


$5 or more per month • 0 patrons

No reward necessary. You just want to support us in our efforts to provide the best varsity football coverage we can for the Suburban Conference teams. However, you still receive access to exclusive bonus content — and a sticker!


$10 or more per month • 0 patrons

At this level you'e making a personal commitment to supporting our efforts to feature local varsity athletes in new and exciting ways. In addition to access to exclusive content, you'll receive some Varsity KC swag as a well as a personal thank you from the Varsity KC team.


$50 or more per month • 0 of 6 patrons

{Limited to 6 patrons} At this level, you will receive all of the rewards from the previous tiers. But more importantly, you are invited to join our Varsity KC strategic planning team as we refine the show and create new and improved ways to feature our local student athletes. (You'll be sworn to secrecy!) As a part of this intentionally small group, you (and/or your business) will also receive recognition during any special events or bonus episodes of the podcast. And you get some swag!


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