Please help me to continue providing a rational voice on important societal issues.



$559.50of $4,000

per month

13.99% funded

Your pledge per month?

Become a Patron
Fellowship of the Tweet

$5 or more per month • 4 patrons

You will be recognized in a tweet and charged with a quest to bring an end to fossil fuel use.

Your name will be listed as a patron on my podcast page

You will receive a free Rational View T-shirt (value $13.75 + $4.00 shipping) if you stick with me for more than 4 months 


$25 or more per month • 1 patrons

I'll give you a 'ring'. You will be invited to participate in a live online Q&A for patrons only.

You will get a live shoutout in one of my podcasts.

You will also be recognized in a tweet, and your name will be added to the podcast patrons page and you will get a Rational View T-shirt immediately.


$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will receive a signed 8x10 photo of me in full Gandalf garb, holding a sign that says 'Choose Nuclear'

You will get a live shoutout and promotional opportunity in one of my podcasts.

You will also receive lower level rewards.


$400 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will inspire the Fellowship of the Tweet to great success in their endeavours.

You will get a monthly recurring 15-20 second ad in the podcast (mid-roll)

You will have access to all (non-ad) lower tier rewards.

Your brand logo will be featured on my podcast page.

Lord of the Eagles

$500 or more per month • 1 of 2 patrons

You will be addressed as Your Lordship by all the Fellowship of the Tweet.

You will get a monthly recurring 15-30 second ad in the podcast (mid-roll)

You will have access to all (non-ad) lower tier rewards.

Your brand logo will be featured on my podcast page.

Samwise Gamgee

$1000 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons

You will be named Friend of the podcast.

You will get a live shoutout in the intro to each podcast.

You will get a recurring monthly 40-60 second ad in each podcast.

You will have access to all (non-ad) lower tier rewards.

Your brand logo will be featured prominently on my podcast page.


Please help me to continue providing a rational voice on important societal issues.

Your pledge will help me cover the costs of continuing to produce and advertise to spread The Rational View.  If you agree that society needs more rational moderate voices speaking up about where we should be going on highly polarized societal issues then please contribute.  Together we can make a difference!

If you become a patron to The Rational View podcast with Dr. Al Scott, you’ll immediately get access to as many as 0 patron-only posts.

Advertise! and hire a house cleaner and babysitter

$500 per month

If any of you are parents of a 5-year old and two teenagers, with no grandparents nearby you will totally understand that I can't get anything done during the day, and evenings are clean-up time.  This will give me time to get through my day job and not have to clean the house after.  With this level of support I will have time in the evenings to research new content and provide you with an ongoing stream of great entertainment and new insights.  This will also go towards the costs of unlimited podcast bandwidth, and running podcast ads for the show.


Go Pro

$4,000 per month

At this level I can hire a professional podcast distributor to run a spiffy advertising campaign and amplify the message to new heights.

Quit my Day Job

$10,000 per month

Pretty straightforward, at this point I'm fully at your disposal to save the world.

  • The ranklein's Podcast Creator
    The ranklein's Podcast 2022-04-09
    Al, this is great work. Thank you for educating me.
  • brentareschny Creator
    brentareschny 2021-03-14
    Thank you for giving a voice to what I need to hear. What I need learn about. And a reasoned, rational view. You are a rare one Dr Alan Scott. As an aside. I have had multiple great friends named Alan. That alone sold me. Keep on keepin on brother
  • The timoladwig's Podcast Creator
    The timoladwig's Podcast 2021-01-18
    I stumbled over your (advertised) podcast on the app Pocket Casts and am totally excited about your show and topics. It's the first I support someone on Patron, so that's something new.
    The way you present and discuss the topics really resonates with me and sparks a ight of activism. Especially the controversial topic of renewables vs. nuclear is a field of which I wasn't aware until recently when I...yep, stumbled over your show.
    So big thumbs up for your efforts and podcast. Keep it going.


Fellowship of the Tweet

$5 or more per month • 4 patrons

You will be recognized in a tweet and charged with a quest to bring an end to fossil fuel use.

Your name will be listed as a patron on my podcast page

You will receive a free Rational View T-shirt (value $13.75 + $4.00 shipping) if you stick with me for more than 4 months 


$25 or more per month • 1 patrons

I'll give you a 'ring'. You will be invited to participate in a live online Q&A for patrons only.

You will get a live shoutout in one of my podcasts.

You will also be recognized in a tweet, and your name will be added to the podcast patrons page and you will get a Rational View T-shirt immediately.


$100 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will receive a signed 8x10 photo of me in full Gandalf garb, holding a sign that says 'Choose Nuclear'

You will get a live shoutout and promotional opportunity in one of my podcasts.

You will also receive lower level rewards.


$400 or more per month • 0 patrons

You will inspire the Fellowship of the Tweet to great success in their endeavours.

You will get a monthly recurring 15-20 second ad in the podcast (mid-roll)

You will have access to all (non-ad) lower tier rewards.

Your brand logo will be featured on my podcast page.

Lord of the Eagles

$500 or more per month • 1 of 2 patrons

You will be addressed as Your Lordship by all the Fellowship of the Tweet.

You will get a monthly recurring 15-30 second ad in the podcast (mid-roll)

You will have access to all (non-ad) lower tier rewards.

Your brand logo will be featured on my podcast page.

Samwise Gamgee

$1000 or more per month • 0 of 1 patrons

You will be named Friend of the podcast.

You will get a live shoutout in the intro to each podcast.

You will get a recurring monthly 40-60 second ad in each podcast.

You will have access to all (non-ad) lower tier rewards.

Your brand logo will be featured prominently on my podcast page.


Top patrons