War Stories Official Podcast

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$84of $1,000

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8.4% funded

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Shout Out!

$1 or more per month • 3 patrons

We'll call you out on an upcoming episode and thank you personally for your support and give you access to the online forums for bonus episode content.

Patron Only Episodes

$3 or more per month • 20 patrons

Gets you a shout out, a decal and unlimited access our "Tactical Movie Watch" and "Critical Incident Debrief" episodes exclusive to subscribers only! Just send your name and address to mailbag.warstories@gmail.com to get your decal.


Help Us Bring You More Content!

War Stories Official is run by Jon and Tom with help from their family and friends. We are growing and want to bring you more content. We are determined to bring you real talk in a real way with no safe spaces, no BS and no filters. One of the ways we can say what we want and give you REAL stories, REAL opinions and REAL ideas is to stay independent. The easiest way to stay independent is to receive listener support.

You can help by making purchases through our Amazon Affiliate link on our website, buying a premium membership to the website forums and buying merchandise BUT you can ALSO send us whatever you think it's worth. We will use the funds to bring more content, new videos and guests and new merch ideas.

Please help support independent podcasters, uncensored and honest content and podcast freedom!

Pay for upgraded equipment and software

$1,000 per month

We support ourselves with our day jobs but we can bring you more guests, more episodes and new video content. That takes new gear. Any donation to help us counts! Just like the App Store you can help support us $1 at a time!

  • The panchopico's Podcast Creator
    The panchopico's Podcast 2021-05-19
    Pledged $3/month. Please just give the sticker to the next patron, maybe someone who is/was a LEO/service member/first responder/dispatcher. My dad was in law enforcement for over 4o years, and my mother was a cop's first wife and did a lot of work with victim services. Love the pod!
  • The edbernal's Podcast Creator
    The edbernal's Podcast 2021-01-20
    Hello guys,
    Pledged $4/month, a bargain for sure. Mailing address (please keep this secure from Pres. Harris' woke gauleiters)(First name only if you mention this)
    Ed Bernal
    3508 32nd Ave NE
    Saint Anthony, MN 554178

    Love the pod!
  • The lapplogan's Podcast Creator
    The lapplogan's Podcast 2020-10-10
    Three drinks in and wearing silkies in the wood shop and y’all are the only podcast i would throw 10 dolla bills at. Keep on keeping it real, you guys are awesome. 🤙🏼
  • The Podcast Creator
    The Podcast 2020-10-05
    Hey guys, great show. I'm a 20 yr police officer from Canada. Keep the stories coming, they often bring back memories of past that usually make me laugh or shake my head and say "that was a fucked up call". Keep your sticks on the ice.
  • The benjaminturnbull's Podcast Creator
    The benjaminturnbull's Podcast 2020-06-17
    Hi guys

    Former military and current correctional officer from Australia. Im not normally the type to subscribe but your content is well worth it. What I've found most interesting is that despite the occasional difference in terms and language the mindset and attitude remands the same the world over.
  • The isaachamilton1911's Podcast Creator
    The isaachamilton1911's Podcast 2020-04-28
    Love the podcast guys! Keep it up!
  • The creva's Podcast Creator
    The creva's Podcast 2020-03-17
    I’ve definitely enjoyed listening to these war stories, often two of more times. I definitely look forward to you gaining the resources to do episodes more often. My brother was a USMC pilot, and I definitely miss hearing some of the stories he had. These real stories are a reminder that there’s great honor in serving our country and communities, while revealing the guts it takes to perform at these levels, often while grossly underpaid and under appreciated. Great job guys. Oh, bring Shep back
  • The mrfisma's Podcast Creator
    The mrfisma's Podcast 2020-02-25
    I've got a firefighter son-in-law and a former Marine granddaughter. My daughter runs a PTS group and we all enjoy the podcast. Thanks for what you do.
  • The hunterlcram's Podcast Creator
    The hunterlcram's Podcast 2020-02-24
    Thank you guys for what you are doing with this show. i am 20 years old and i have been a volunteer firefighter for 3 years now in southern utah and my dad and 2 brothers are all law enforcement here, i hope to be at some point also. i love the show and have listened to every episode and i am getting them to start listening also. Anyways thank you guys again for what you are doing with the show and i hope to be able to pledge more money soon!
  • The flghtmedic's Podcast Creator
    The flghtmedic's Podcast 2020-02-18
    I pledged $3/ month. Love the show and hope to be on it someday. My address is David Gray ,10194 Nichols Lake Rd, Milton, FL 32583

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Shout Out!

$1 or more per month • 3 patrons

We'll call you out on an upcoming episode and thank you personally for your support and give you access to the online forums for bonus episode content.

Patron Only Episodes

$3 or more per month • 20 patrons

Gets you a shout out, a decal and unlimited access our "Tactical Movie Watch" and "Critical Incident Debrief" episodes exclusive to subscribers only! Just send your name and address to mailbag.warstories@gmail.com to get your decal.