Public Applause!
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
Each contributor will be thanked on our blog/podcast as new posts/episodes are published. Unless you wish to give anonymously, we'll gladly sing your praises on our blog/podcast for your support. (We'll still sing the praises of our anonymous donors, just, well, anonymously.)
GET $10 REWARDSupport our work to uphold the constitutional rights of children with disabilities
KPS4Parents is a tiny non-profit organization, established in 2003, that has directly served hundreds of students with special needs and their families, helping them obtain services and supports appropriate to their unique, individual needs. Our CEO, Anne M. Zachry, has worked as a special education lay advocate since 1991, as a paralegal in special education and related litigation since 2005, and as an educational psychologist and behavior analyst since 2013. As the author and presenter of our blog/podcast, Ms. Zachry brings decades of experience advocating for students with special needs to receive interventions according to best practices as required by law.
Your support allows us to produce our informative blog posts/podcasts that help parents and other concerned stakeholders in special education to advocate for appropriate interventions for our students with special needs. We take a hard, real look at things sometimes, and not everyone is always happy with what we have to say, but we call it like we see it. You see that quality in the blog posts/podcasts Ms. Zachry writes and records.
Fixing real problems requires acknowledging the facts on the ground without wasting time judging whether they are flattering of anyone or not. But, some people feel at risk of being blamed for something that isn't working correctly and will make every effort to prevent themselves from being exposed. This can make acknowledging the facts on the ground and talking truthfully about what is going on very difficult for some people, but that's no way to make things better.
Help us pursue real solutions that result in responsible public resource management that serve the purposes for which they were created without wasting money on unnecessary expenses, like avoidable lawsuits. While it's true that we sometimes have cases that go to hearing, this is actually rare, anymore. Most of our cases are resolved at lower levels and, even if a hearing is requested, settle outside of court.
The knowledge Ms. Zachry gains from these experiences, in which she is very involved, drives the content of our blog/podcast. The more people can benefit from what she has learned from her experiences in the field, the less likely it will be that they find it necessary to hire someone to represent them or litigate matters, themselves. By equipping today's parents of children with special needs with scholarly knowledge, experience-based advice, and links to relevant peer-reviewed research, case law, and regulations, Ms. Zachry's podcasts deliver a level of support unlike any other online resource. Your support helps us make that happen.
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Help us build our social media resources to support families throughout the United States
Our online resources benefit families we would otherwise have no way of assisting. Many families just need information and have the wherewithal to advocate for themselves once they have it. Other families are supported by advocates and parent partners who need technical assistance so that they can properly advise the families they are supporting. Yet others are experts and attorneys who need to learn more about each other's respective disciplines in order to become better at their own.
Your patronage helps fund the costs of producing our online resources and benefits families throughout the United States and its territories. By bringing technical assistance to people doing the hard work of applying science and law to the education of students with disabilities, and pursuing individualized services and programming from various publicly funded agencies tasked with meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities, you help us strengthen the integrity of the resources into which the taxpayers' dollars are being invested.
Public Applause!
$10 or more per month • 0 patrons
Each contributor will be thanked on our blog/podcast as new posts/episodes are published. Unless you wish to give anonymously, we'll gladly sing your praises on our blog/podcast for your support. (We'll still sing the praises of our anonymous donors, just, well, anonymously.)